With fear for our Democracy, I’d Prevent, not just Dissent.

Atheist Bale
9 min readJul 8, 2024


It’s Joever.

The fascists are at the door and many of y’all invited them in like vampires, and now they’re gonna drain all of us. Folks, I’ve been ranting and raving about how much Joe Biden sucks ass on this blog, and why his senile leadership looks bad on the surface and his actual politics are even worse in execution. The man went on stage that fateful debate night and failed on stage in a public bombing, the likes of which have not been seen since Pearl Harbor in 1941 (just a year before that mummy was born). I’ve been howling about this into the wind for the last 4 years, trying to raise awareness about how old man Biden was not the person we needed in office, and how we definitely needed a new Democrat for 2024.

Now we’re utterly FUCKED.

Joe Biden has cost the nation its chance at normalcy, ironically, by clinging to normalcy. There is no going back now. The safety rails are gone and a stubborn old man who just hit a jogger is refusing to give up his (nuclear) keys instead of letting someone else drive.

This is the Weimar Republic all over again. Adolf Hitler, fresh off a failed coup and more popular after being charged with crimes, also chuckled his way into office as the idiots in charge of the Weimar Republic continually fumbled over themselves and assured the public they had it under control as they failed to see the real danger. Now of course, that government indeed was a disaster, but no way was the Nazi Party better than what preceded it. Now, Joe Biden is almost certainly going to lose the election this November, and while we can point fingers all day at Trump and his sinister cronies, Biden needs a big middle one as well.

Just this week, white supremacists in cute matching Walmart uniforms marched wearing masks in Nashville (they need to work on their goose step).

The Weekend at Biden’s style performance at the June debate damned Joe’s entire campaign, let’s face it. It was already on thin ice, but that dumped a boulder in the middle of the frozen lake. The party is split on where to go (business as usual for Democrats), weakening all resolve. Now, the only hope is that President Biden does the right thing, puts aside his ego, and drops out of the race. When I see a headline like this:

Well, I lose my damn mind. This is the same old person logic that is crushing everything. An old person who happens to be in charge by seniority makes a drastic decision they won’t live to see followed by a sudden death a few months later. I will 100% be ageist here, I don’t care: Anybody sundowning after 4pm should not be president of the most powerful nation on Earth. If they are old enough to be retired, they should be retired. If someone can kill them with a single blow to the temple or they’re susceptible to dying from a common cold, they should not be in charge. I am sick of being ruled by dinosaurs where 82% of their generation has already died and the rest are on the way out. Biden and Trump are too damn old. They were born when segregation was still around! They’re older than colored TV! They’re older than rock music! They’re older than the US interstate system! They’re older than the end of WWII! They’re older than Bill Clinton, currently 77, who served as president beginning at age 46! The average senator is 65 years old! The gerontocracy needs to go, and I am demanding amendments, regarding age limits, to the very flawed United States Constitution!

I know what some of you might be thinking. “Uh, it should be Trump dropping out, not Biden.” Well, have fun in your fairy tale, because that will absolutely never happen, so if we can stop screwing around with dumb hypotheticals, maybe we can discuss Biden dropping out, because he can bend to the will of the people, unlike Trump, and that is an opportunity we will not have for long should Trump win this election. Look how much damage is being done on all sides without Trump in office just this summer alone.

The Supreme Court recently granted not just Trump but any American president immunity from being charged with crimes while in office as long as it is an “official act”…while failing to define what exactly that even means. The vagueness is completely intentional. But wait! There’s more! The Supreme Court also ruled on the following cases:

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo: Vetted and experienced regulatory agencies no longer can offer reasonable interpretation for agencies they are supposed to enforce. Instead, the judicial branch does (so imagine how that looks if the executive branch just got immunity and a newly elected Trump could wipe away judges of opposing parties to make decisions in the courts). So for instance, if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was telling a company not to dump chemical agents in a river, they could determine how much was dangerous and enforce that standard. Now, judges do that instead, and any random judge, without direct correlation or full context, can decide what is acceptable to dump in the river and what a punishment would be, if any, for violating that new standard.

Grants Pass v. Johnson: Civil/Criminal penalties for camping on public land does not constitute cruel or unusual punishment. Dumbed down, it means homeless people cannot sleep or have camps anywhere on public land, so sleep is basically illegal. Rather than tackle the roots of the problem, the Supreme Court’s conservative wing decided to further punish the people who are already down and make it harder to exit that loop of poverty.

Snyder v. United States: Apparently, federal law doesn’t make it a crime for state and local officials to accept gifts or “gratuities” to reward their actions. Instead, it is now up to state and local governments to regulate gratuities to state and local officials. This justifies bribery with extra steps and is just another form of the elimination of checks/balances and more corruption from the Supreme Court opening up influence peddling.

“Stare Decisis” is dead.

That is three insane rulings in just one week from June this year. By the way, Clarence Thomas is aiming for dismantling OSHA next. So if you have an accident at work, guess what, the company isn’t liable for your safety! Imagine then, these justices, funded by dark money, tearing down guardrails, increasing executive and judicial power, and being in charge until their death, removal, or resignation. The idea behind this was to avoid elections for the judges, so the court wouldn’t be “political”. But with a president choosing their own party for each judge, of course it’s political!

The Supreme Court’s job is to look at the Constitution and interpret it to the best of their ability, with vetted expertise. Instead, they are nepotism picks who do as they are told by their party and contort the law to fit their party’s interpretation. The Supreme Court is undoubtedly the most corrupt institution in the United States of America. I’d spit on them, but they’re so dirty they’d probably thank me for it. They’re nothing but a pit of ethics violations, rife with bribery, insider trading, and tax evasion, with a few rapists in the mix, and most of the court is trying to turn the United States into a racist theocracy without any regard for the citizens whose lives they are supposed to stabilize and improve. Inhuman bastards.

Now, the conservatives of the Supreme Court haven’t just handed a gun to a monkey again with the latest ruling on their ruling of presidential immunity on Trump v. United States, they gave the monkey armor and upgraded the gun to a bazooka. In what world does it make sense for 3/9 of the people deciding a person’s case having been chosen by the defendant? Worse, another 2 of them supported Trump on January 6th. It’s not fair, but that’s where we are. Authorities will decide, not you, not me, not us, them. It’s utterly laughable to hear conservatives talk about liking “small government” or “accountable government” or “small businesses” and “free markets” because the people they are enabling are eroding those ideas at an unprecedented rate. You have the illusion of a free market when in reality, it’s a massive conglomerate hosting all influence in what you’re allowed to buy/sell, overlooked by the corrupt federal government. What’s more embarrassing is that a staggering amount of conservatives own guns and wave “come and take it” flags but would never in a million years have the nerve to shoot a cop or troop who came to take their guns if the government demanded so. We already saw the most radical Trump fanatics fail to rebel on January 6th, and some of the cops were opening the gates for them! Everyone is so clung to keeping their lifestyle or unable to back up the words behind their keyboard strokes that they wimp out when the real moments come. Readers, of the people who own guns, how many of you are willing to shoot a cop and upend your entire life for politics? I sure as hell wouldn’t. I’m a “pen is mightier than the sword” guy. I’d reckon a puny fraction of people would insist they would fight back, and out of that fraction that lives up to their words, that certainly is not enough to take on the full might of the US military now, is it? The way you stop authoritarianism in the modern age isn’t by clinging onto the Minutemen tactics of the 1700s, it’s by adapting to the times and using whatever means you can as according to the situation. I’m advocating for you losers to stop LARPing with guns and start living in reality, and stop pretending you know history when you only know oral tradition (besides boot-licking). Wake up to the real government breathing on your neck, not asking for your guns, but stripping you of every other right, including ones you weren’t aware of!

I’m fear-mongering and bitching and moaning about the state of the union to make a simple point: Your comfortable lifestyles or stressful lifestyles are going to go downhill if Trump wins, big time, red or blue. Unless you are simultaneously male, very rich (like, an economic crash wouldn’t affect you), old, white, Christian, a natural-born citizen, and well-connected, the USA will not cater to you if Trump wins. Your lives won’t magically improve if Joe Biden or another Democrat hopefully replaces Biden instead, but they won’t deteriorate further; at worst, they’ll stagnate. I wish I had a more optimistic pitch for you rather than the usual “Biden is better than Trump, trust me!” because that is a terrible morale raiser. People need something to vote for, not a person to vote against. But here we are. Biden must step down so that a real candidate with gusto can take on Trump and save the nation. Yet, even if he doesn’t, I will vote for a dirty napkin over Donald Trump.

Joe Biden failed at the one thing his presidency was supposed to do: Stop Donald Trump from being in the Oval Office. His legacy will simply be “Oldest president who helped bomb innocent people in Gaza instead of focusing on stopping American fascism by taking care of domestic issues.” Then, rather than take any blame for their part in this, the DNC will blame progressives and young people for not “voting as hard as they can” to stop the dumbest and most unelectable presidential candidate in history as he takes control of the country for himself. We’re heading to an oligarchy, best case scenario! So yeah Biden, please drop. We need Winston Churchill right now, not Neville Chamberlain (who was still 11 years younger than Biden). I don’t wanna see these headlines anymore:

As you yourself once said, Biden: Will you shut up, man?



Atheist Bale

I’m not a pessimist, I’m correct. Follow me for troglodyte slaying 101. Dual BA and an MA, going on a PhD. Keeping the specifics a bit shady to avoid creepers.